Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Living in a Photoshop World

Today we live in a world that we can not trust our eyes. We can draw back to one computer program, Adobe’s Photoshop. This one computer program devalues the strongest of human senses. We now have to question every picture see. Through software performing artist can have their voice put back on pitch, live. We see new and more astounding tricks in movies every weekend. We do not even know if people’s body parts are what they where given by God.

What does this mean for our society?

This means that people trust themselves even more than before. Why is this? Individual persons have to be the judge of truth of everything that they see and hear. A person is left to can only trust themselves. Also, we see greater response to the internal senses. If one goes to any self defense training one of the rules that they will learn to trust and act on their “gut feelings.”

They say this because there is something in us that is a truth gage. Like it or not I believe that when someone commits murder, rape, or steal, they know it is wrong. (I am counting out mental disease.) You can call it a conscience, the Holy Spirit, of God image in them. I am not defining it right now; all I am saying is that it exists. In today Photoshop society people have to lean internal, because the external has more lies than ever.

Turning the internal to the Eternal

People in Photoshop society are looking into internal. We as the church we must seize the opportunity to turn the internal to the Eternal. Listen to the Eternal Holy Sprit speaking to their internal. I trust that the Holy Sprit will do its work. So, that they my have an opportunity to live complete in the Eternal.

Bothering Me

A lot of stuff has been bothering me latly.

It bothers me that people speak without listening.
It bothers me that new is concerned about what sells.
It bothers me that I can't change the things that bothers me.
It bothers me that I can not communicate to people how much I love them.
It bothers me that I am not good at everything.
It bothers me that life is lived moment by momment with no do overs.
It bothers me that it seem like no one else is bothered about what I am bother about.
It bothers me when people stuyed about stuying the subject, instead of studying the subject.
It bothers me that I can not talk with the auther when I am reading a book.
It bothers me that I can not get done all that I would like to get done.
It bothers me that I do not have time to finish this post right now.

What bothers you?
